Veterans Event Calendar
Wausau Area 09/15/2024
Wausau Area:
Sept. 19, Thurs., Breakfast with the Veterans, Mountain Terrace Senior Living, 9:30 am
Sept. 23, Mon., NFHF #49, Central WI Airport, be there between 8&9pm
Sept. 29, Sun., Gold Star Mothers Celebration, Rothschild Memorial Park, 1pm
Oct. 7, Mon., Wellness Veteran Expo, 10 to 2pm, Veterans Service Office, Wausau, 212 River Drive
Oct. 17, Thurs., Breakfast with the Veterans, Mountain Terrace Senior Living, 9:30 am
Oct. 28, Mon., NFHF #50, Central WI Airport, be there between 8&9pm
Nov .9, Sat., Marine Corps Ball, Dales Weston Lanes, open 4:30, ceremony 6pm
Nov. 11, Mon., Colin Hanson, The “Real” Forest Gump, UWSP Wausau Campus, 6:30pm
Veteran Meals
Meals at Denny’s in Rothschild are offered for Veterans and their care givers when attending a meeting. Veterans, their spouses, family members or care givers can make the call for meal delivery for Veterans from the VWCC group at Denny’s. Call Don at 715-573-3208 for details and to be added to the meal delivery list. Leave a name and phone number. Deliveries are made on Wednesdays at noon.
The Wausau American Legion Post 10 at Bunkers Restaurant also offers meal delivery for Veterans. Call 715-298-1606 and leave a name and phone number for details and to be added to the meal delivery list.
Meetings & Events, Ongoing
VWCC, Denny’s Rothschild. Every Wednesday. 10am to 11:30am
AL Rothschild Post 492. Meeting 7pm, 1st Monday of the month
AL Wausau Post 10. at Bunkers, 3rd Tue. of the mo. except Dec., 6pm social hour, 7pm meeting
MOH, Meetings, Saturdays at the clubhouse 1:00 pm, Sept. 14, Nov. 9
DAV Chapter 31, Rib River. Meeting 4th Monday of the month
DAV Graveen Chapter 64. Meeting 1st Wednesday of the month except Jan., 7pm at Denny’s
VFW Post 388, Wausau. Meetings 2nd Tues. of the month. Bingo every Wed. 7pm, open 4pm.
VFW Post 8280. Peplin. Meetings First Wednesday of the month, 7pm
VFW Post 10203, Mar-Lin. Meetings 4th Monday of month, 7pm, Contact Don 715-573-3208
VFW Post 8068, Elderon, Meeting 2nd Tue. of the month, 7pm, Contact Ted 306-632-5254
VFW Post 1638, Merrill Northwoods Post, 1st Tue. of the month 6pm
VFW Post 1638, Pub 1638, 601 Johnson St., Merrill, Bingo E/O Sunday at 4pm, open at 11am, 715-536-5708
VVA 479. Rib River, Meeting at Denny’s, contact Roger 715-257-1000
VWCC-Veterans Weekly Cup of Coffee VSO-Veterans Service Office AL- American Legion
NFHF- Never Forgotten Honor Flight MOH- Man of Honor Society VFW-Veterans of Foreign Wars
DAV-Disabled American Veterans VVA-Vietnam Veterans of America WLVA-WI. Lao Veterans of America
Veterans Weekly Cup-of-Coffee, Inc.
Let Mike Heilmann know about any local Veteran events not listed or if you have changes or event flyers. 715-846-0166
Be sure to double check the date and times before traveling to the event.
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